
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Dolorous Passion of the Christ
Kisah Sengsara Kristus berdasarkan visi Beata Anne Ammerich
(Translated by Saptoda)

When Jesus, after uttering a loud cry, expired, I saw his heavenly soul under the form of a bright meteor pierce the earth at the foot of the Cross, accompanied by the angel Gabriel and many other angels. His Divine nature continued united to his soul as well as to his body, which still remained hanging upon the Cross, but I cannot explain how this was, although I saw it plainly in my own mind. The place into which the soul of Jesus entered was divided into three parts, which appeared to me like three worlds; and I felt that they were round, and that each division was separated from the other by a hemisphere.

Ketika Yesus, setelah berseru dengan suara yang keras, wafat, aku melihat jiwa surgawiNya seperti meteor yang menyilaukan menembus bumi di mana Salib berada, diiringi malaikat Gabriel dan banyak malaikat lainnya. Bentuk IlahiNya menyatu dengan jiwa dan tubuhNya yang masih bergantung di atas kayu Salib, aku tidak dapat menjelaskan bagaimana hal tersebut terjadi, walaupun aku dengan jelas melihat peristiwa tersebut. Tempat yang dikunjungi Yesus terbagi menjadi tiga bagian, yang tampaknya seperti tiga macam alam berbentuk bulat, yang masing-masing dipisahkan oleh suatu sekat atmosfir.

I beheld a bright and beautiful space opposite to Limbo; it was enameled with flowers, delicious breezes wafted through it; and many souls were placed there before being admitted into Heaven after their deliverance from Purgatory. Limbo, the place where the souls were waiting for the Redemption, was divided into different compartments, and encompassed by a thick foggy atmosphere. Our Lord appeared radiant with light and surrounded by angels, who conducted him triumphantly between two of these compartments; the one on the left containing the patriarchs who lived before the time of Abraham, and that on the right those who lived between the days of Abraham and St. John Baptist. These souls did not at first recognise Jesus, but were filled nevertheless with sensations of joy and hope.

Aku melihat suatu ruangan yang cemerlang dan indah di dekat Tempat Penantian; berhiaskan bunga-bunga, angin sejuk semerbak harum bertiup ke tempat itu; dan banyak jiwa setelah dibebaskan dari Api Penyucian, ditempatkan terlebih dahulu di sana sebelum memasuki Surga. Tempat Penantian, merupakan tempat jiwa-jiwa menunggu Penebusan, terbagi menjadi ruang-ruang yang berbeda, serta diselimuti atmosfir berkabut tebal. Tuhan kita tampak bersinar terang dikelilingi para malaikat, yang mengiringiNya dalam pawai kemenangan menuju dua dari ruang-ruang tersebut; ruang sebelah kiri ditempati oleh para pemimpin yang hidup sebelum Abraham, dan ruang sebelah kanan, ditempati para pemimpin yang hidup antara zaman Abraham dan St Yohanes Pembatis. Jiwa-jiwa ini mulanya tidak mengenali Yesus, namun mereka semua diliputi perasaan suka cita serta pengharapan.

There was not a spot in those narrow confines which did not, as it were, dilate with feelings of happiness. The passage of Jesus might be compared to the wafting of a breath of air, to a sudden flash of light, or to a shower of vivifying dew, but it was swift as a whirlwind. After passing through the two compartments, he reached a dark spot in which Adam and Eve were standing; he spoke to them, they prostrated and adored him in a perfect ecstasy of joy, and they immediately joined the band of angels, and accompanied our Lord to the compartment on the left, which contained the patriarchs who lived before Abraham.
This compartment was a species of Purgatory, and a few evil spirits were wandering about among the souls and endeavouring to fill them with anxiety and alarm. The entrance through a species of door was closed, but the angels rapped, and I thought I heard them say, 'Open these doors.' When Jesus entered in triumph the demons dispersed, crying out at the same time, 'What is there between thee and us? What art thou come to do here? Wilt thou crucify us likewise?' The angels hunted them away, having first chained them.

Di tempat kecil yang mirip ruang tahanan tersebut, tidak ada yang tidak dipenuhi perasaan suka cita. Yesus berjalan seperti hembusan angin, seperti kilatan cahaya yang memancar dengan tiba-tiba, atau juga seperti hujan embun yang memberi hidup, begitu cepat seperti angin puting beliung. Setelah mengunjungi kedua ruangan tersebut, Yesus tiba di ruang kosong yang gelap tempat Adam dan Hawa sedang berdiri; Ia berbicara dengan mereka, dan mereka sujud serta memujiNya dengan penuh suka cita, lalu mereka bergabung dengan kumpulan para malaikat, dan menyertai Tuhan kita menuju ruangan sebelah kiri, yang ditempati para pemimpin yang hidup sebelum zaman Abraham. Ruangan ini seperti Api Penyucian, dan beberapa roh jahat melayang kesana kemari di antara jiwa-jiwa yang ada di situ. dan berusaha keras menciptakan kegelisahan dan ketakutan. Jalan masuk melalui semacam pintu menuju ruangan ini ditutup, namun para malaikat mengetuknya, dan berkata, 'buka pintu-pintu ini.' Pada saat Yesus memasuki ruangan tersebut dalam pawai kemenanganNya, setan-setan melarikan diri sambil berteriak-teriak, “Ada urusan apa antara Engkau dan kami? Mau apa Engkau kemari? Apakah Engkau mau menyalibkan kami juga? Para malaikat segera mengusir mereka, setelah terlebih dulu mengikat mereka dengan rantai.

The poor souls confined in this place had only a slight presentiment and vague idea of the presence of Jesus; but the moment he told them that it was he himself, they burst out into acclamations of joy, and welcomed him with hymn of rapture and delight. The soul of our Lord then wended its way to the right, towards that part which really constituted Limbo; and there he met the soul of the good thief which angels were carrying to Abraham's bosom, as also that of the bad thief being dragged by demons into Hell. Our Lord addressed a few words to both, and then entered Abraham's bosom, accompanied by numerous angels and holy souls, and also by those demons who had been chained and expelled from the compartment.

Jiwa-jiwa malang yang berada di tempat ini hanya memiliki firasat dan gambaran yang samar-samar saja mengenai kehadiran Yesus; namun ketika Yesus memperkenalkan diriNya, mereka semua bersorak dengan perasaan gembira dan menyambutNya dengan nyanyian pujian dan suka cita. Jiwa Tuhan kita kemudian menuju ke sebelah kanan, menuju ruangan yang merupakan bagian dari Tempat Penantian; di sana Ia menemui jiwa si pencuri yang baik hati dan oleh para malaikat kemudian dibawanya ke pangkuan Abraham, juga ditemui jiwa si pencuri yang jahat tengah diseret setan-setan ke Neraka. Tuhan kita menyapa keduanya sejenak, kemudian masuk ke tempat Abraham, diiringi para malaikat dan jiwa para kudus, serta setan-setan yang sebelumnya telah dirantai dan diusir dari ruangan tersebut.

This locality appeared to me more elevated than the surrounding parts; and I can only describe my sensations on entering it, by comparing them to those of a person coming suddenly into the interior of a church, after having been for some time in the burial vaults. The demons, who were strongly chained, were extremely loth to enter, and resisted to the utmost of their power, but the angels compelled them to go forward. All the just who had lived before the time of Christ were assembled there; the patriarchs, Moses, the judges, and the kings on the left-hand side; and on the right side, the prophets, and the ancestors of our Lord, as also his near relations, such as Joachim, Anna, Joseph, Zacharias, Elizabeth, and John.

Tempat ini berada lebih tinggi dibanding tempat-tempat disekelilingnya; dan aku seperti memasuki sebuah gereja, setelah sebelumnya berada di dalam kubur. Setan-setan, yang telah dirantai dengan erat, merasa sangat muak memasuki tempat ini, mereka meronta-ronta sekuat tenaga, namun para malaikat memaksa mereka untuk masuk. Semua orang yang hidup sebelum zaman Kristus yang telah menjalankan keadilan berkumpul di situ; para pemimpin, Musa, para hakim, dan para raja berada di sebelah kiri; dan di sebelah kanan berdiri para nabi, dan nenek moyang Tuhan kita, juga saudara-saudara dekatnya, seperti Yoakim, Anna, Yosef, Zakaria, Elisabet, dan Yohanes.

There were no demons in this place, and the only discomfort that had been felt by those placed there was a longing desire for the accomplishment of the promise; and when our Lord entered they saluted him with joyful hymns of gratitude and thanksgiving for its fulfilment, they prostrated and adored him, and the evil spirits who had been dragged into Abraham’s bosom when our Lord entered were compelled to confess with shame that they were vanquished. Many of these holy souls were ordered by our Lord to return to the earth, re-enter their own bodies, and thus render a solemn and impressive testimony to the truth. It was at this moment that so many dead persons left their tombs in Jerusalem; I regarded them less in the light of dead persons risen again than as corpses put in motion by a divine power, and which, after having fulfilled the mission intrusted to them, were laid aside in the same manner as the insignia of office are taken take off by a clerk when he has executed the orders of his superiors.

Tidak ada setan di tempat ini, dan satu-satunya perasaan gelisah yang dirasakan mereka yang berada di tempat ini adalah kerinduan akan digenapinya janji keselamatan yang mereka nantikan; dan ketika Tuhan kita masuk, mereka menyambutNya dengan pujian kegembiraan, ucapan terimakasih dan syukur atas dipenuhinya janji, mereka tersungkur dan memujiNya, dan roh-roh jahat yang diseret ke tempat itu secara memalukan dipaksa mengakui kekalahan mereka. Banyak jiwa para kudus ini diperintahkan Tuhan kita untuk kembali ke dunia dan masuk kembali ke jasad mereka, serta memberikan kesaksian yang sungguh-sungguh dan mengesankan mengenai kebenaran. Saat itu juga banyak orang yang telah meninggal bangkit dari kubur mereka di Yerusalem; Penampilan mereka seperti orang yang baru saja terjaga dari tidur dan bukan seperti mayat yang sekadar digerakkan oleh kuasa Tuhan. Dan setelah menjalankan misi yang diperintahkan, mereka terbaring kembali seperti prajurit yang melepaskan lencana kebesarannya ketika selesai menjalankan perintah atasannya.

I next saw our Lord, with his triumphant procession, enter into a species of Purgatory which was filled with those good pagans who, having had a faint glimmering of the truth, had longed for its fulfilment: this Purgatory was very deep, and contained a few demons, as also some of the idols of the pagans. I saw the demons compelled to confess the deception they had practised with regard to these idols, and the souls of the poor pagans cast themselves at the feet of Jesus, and adored him with inexpressible joy: here, likewise, the demons were bound with chains and dragged away. I saw our Saviour perform many other actions; but I suffered so intensely at the same time, that I cannot recount them as I should have wished.

Kemudian aku melihat Tuhan kita, dalam pawai kemenanganNya, memasuki semacam Api Penyucian yang diisi para penyembah berhala yang baik hati yang, walaupun memahami sekilas arti kebenaran, namun memiliki kerinduan akan pemenuhan janji keselamatan: Api Penyucian ini sangat dalam, dan diisi beberapa setan, dan berhala. Aku melihat setan-setan itu dipaksa mengakui penipuan yang mereka lakukan dengan menyamar sebagai berhala, dan para jiwa penyembah berhala yang malang ini tersungkur di kaki Yesus, dan menyembahNya dengan kegembiraan yang tidak terlukiskan: di tempat ini, setan-setan juga diikat dengan rantai lalu diseret keluar. Aku melihat Juru Selamat kita melakukan banyak tindakan lainnya; namun bersamaan dengan itu aku menderita rasa sakit yang amat sangat, sehingga tidak dapat menceritakan perbuatan Tuhan kita seperti yang aku kehendaki.

To be continued...


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